As South Sudanese waits for the complete formation of state governments, Ruweng Chief Administrator, Chol Awunlith has been challenged to resign.

According to a letter and statements by various Ruweng’s representatives, Chol is accused of various vices ranging from corruption, nepotism, dividing people among others.

They accused Chol of corruption and misuse of 5% of oil revenue allocated to Ruweng, an oil-producing area.

“Ruweng people, chiefs youths and women demand the departure and arrest of Mr. Chol to secure 5%  finances and Revenues of oil-producing communities and civil servants salaries in Ruweng Administrative Area,”  a statement seen by HIJ reads.

Ruweng vocal activist, George Chuor has called out Chol Awunlith accusing him of causing hatred among Ruweng communities and collaborating with criminals from neighboring communities in Unity State.

“Chol activities of sponsoring division of Panarau communities. Playing Alor community against Panaru community, sponsoring criminal elements harbored in nearby Guit county aided by his advisors and in networking with his friends to invade areas of Biu,  Touch.  Miadiing,  Panakuach, and Wunkur have resulted in the displacement of citizens, looting of cattle and properties, Chuor alleges.

The community members have appealed to president Kiir to fire Chol who they also accused of using money to buy loyalty among few members of Ruweng community. They have threatened to take legal action if Chol doesn’t resign.

“We are determinedly giving Mr. Chol Awanlith 72 hours to submit his resignation to H.E the president of the Republic of South Sudan – failure would be met with legal suits with severe consequences,” the statement reads.