Dancehall artist Yogo Man is a troubled man currently after his new video was banned from playing on government-owned TV station SSBC, besides his outstanding dancehall rap technique impressing many.

Managers to the TV station termed Yogo Man’s new video as being too raunchy and not fit to be displayed for viewing on the TV station since South Sudanese people are too conservative about their moral standards and hence do not promote display of western cultures on their screens.
This is not the first time such an incident has occurred. Some years back ago, viewers phoned a live music program on TV expressing their anger and complaining about the kind of music videos that were being played by the TV station. They argued that the music videos were not good for public viewing because girls in the videos were dancing in a compromising manner with half of their bodies exposed (naked).

The video which goes by the name “Tic Tac” produced by Willy Entertainment has received massive criticism for being so raunchy as well as a large following as some claim they see nothing wrong with the video as long as the dancers are not naked citing that the world is changing and some things are becoming a norm.
Twerking, which gained popularity in recent years is quickly being adopted as a dancing style in most music videos by many music artists in their music videos and has been seen as a way of getting many views and downloads. It has become a norm in the western countries and several other African countries to the extent of “twerk” competitions being held openly.

In Yogo’s video, beautiful girls are seen “twerking” off their “assets” while dressed in shorts and thus maybe the name “Tic Tac” with part of their thighs and legs as well as part of their stomach region exposed and thus the reason why it was banned for being raunchy.
Despite the music video being banned for viewing by SSBC, it is still available on YouTube and can be accessed using the following link.

South Sudan citizens have got moral values with a rich foundation and thus maybe a reason why they don’t allow raunchy and compromising videos to feature in their screens.

Watch the video here: