The popular comedian Martino Koryom known to his comedy fans as Maduooool will be boycotting the upcoming MTN – Eye Radio Music Awards. The funny man who is nominated with other comedians in the Best Comedian of the Year category took issue with few flaws in the awards.

He told HIJ last week that he was not happy with how the voting process was done. “How do you make people vote only after performance at Kilkilu Ana,” he inquired when asked why he decided to opt out.

He said since he is not a Kilkilu Ana comedian the organisers of the awards show should have used other ways of voting than doing it only at Nyakuron.

“I do not perform at Kilkilu Ana, neither am I being managed by Kilkilu Ana, so it would be unfair to us who do not make appearance on Kilkilu Ana” he said.

The comedian is one of the few entertainers who are not satisfied with the awards. MTN – Eye Radio Music Awards is the only music awards in South Sudan after the collapse of SOSA Awards in 2012. The awards show will be held on the 30th of this month at Nyakuron cultural centre’s auditorium.