A member of parliament says UNMISS mandate should not be renewed due to a recent killing incident in Juba.

Three brothers were killed almost two weeks ago and their bodies dumped on the Yei road where a UN protection of civilians’ site is located.

According to South Sudan Police, the deceased were kidnapped from their house at Jebel Dinka on the 20th of January and were then held in an unknown location before they were killed.

On Saturday, UNMISS said in a press statement that it had arrested some suspects over the killing and handed them over to the police.

But the peacekeeping mission later issued a conflicting statement, saying the two young men it surrendered to the police were not linked to the killing of three brothers.

This was after the IDPs told Eye Radio that they were not happy with UNMISS for giving up the men when they should be protecting them.

An MP representing Lol State in the TNLA tabled the motion on the killing of the three brothers on Thursday.

“It’s very clear that UNMISS is harboring some criminals in its POC at Jebel,” said Honorable Gabriel Guot Guot.

“The UNMISS mandate should not be renewed again without concrete agreement with the Transitional Government of the National Unity.”

The Protection of Civilians sites exist to shelter South Sudanese people who are under imminent and ongoing threat of physical violence and who genuinely fear for their lives, UNMISS told Eye Radio in a statement.

“UNMISS said will not tolerate people who commit crimes outside and then hide inside the camp behind women and children who need protection.”

It added that it is firm in its commitment to fulfil its mandate to protect civilians and maintain the safety of displaced people within protection sites.

via Eye Radio