The ‘Juba Juice’ singer, Slate Nation just had the taste of the violent and crime that has continued to tarnished Junubin reputation in Australia. Slate who had just landed in Australia to thrill his fans in Australia just got thrilled when unknown men disrupted his show in Melbourne.

According to an anonymous source, unknown men also robbed the event organizer, Emete, a Nigerian promoter who is behind Slate Nation Australia Tour. The South Sudanese robbers came in after the show was parked and robbed the money collected at the gate before starting a fight.

The fight broke out at the concert leading to a lot of people getting injuries and left one young man in a coma.

“Some guys came at the door and robbed the people that were collecting money at the door. The amount of money is believed to be 15,000 AUS dollars plus,” Anonymous source added.

The police were called in to calm down the panicking revelers.

Sources close to Slate Nation allege that Slate is thinking of canceling his Australia Tour.