By Ustaz Manyok Elijah Dut

The appointment of constitutional post holders is normally ordained by non other than H.E Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, president of the Republic of South Sudan usually after a thorough scrutiny and background checks are done before the appointee is announced over the National Television (the SSBC). It is unheard of in this country that a person is appointed through stereotypes of hired bloggers to scam, bully, mock or even defame the public servant in power. The presidency and all the security agents are aware of the daily operations of all the public institutions and malicious writers who have no professional background and tested writing skills have taken to the social media streets sabotaging and bullying the honourable members of the public appointed on merits to help the government of the country achieves its intended development goals.

The most targeted and innocently accused public servant is non other than NILEPET BOSS, Hon. Dr. Chol Deng T. Abel ever since he was reinstated as the Managing Director and the Chief Executive Officer of the National Oil and Gas Corporation (the NILEPET). The appointment of Dr. Chol Deng just like any other appointment of a public figure was based on merits and more especially his previous records of excellence in terms of setting forth the Corporation’s Master-Plan which the presidency and the nation as a whole had wanted him to accomplish.

The re-appointment of Dr. Deng brought about hopes among the employees and the entire country. Of course, any employee who got employed by Hon. Eng. Bol Ring Mourwel (his predecessor) was unable to get ID card because the Corporation was busy employing and caring less about services delivery until the Identity (ID) card production and other potential units of the Corporation came to a standstill; a prerequisite of a collapsing institution. Notably, the president rescued the institution from collapse! Marvellous!!

This move by our able president seems to have angered many people who see the national institution as “Feeding Centre” and must be milked dry and that it should be managed by a relative or a friend in order to have access to the killing of the nation through; corruption, nepotism, as well as tribalism. These perceptions have swayed the mind-set of so many semi-literate, ignorant and selfish few South Sudanese who according to me do not have nationalistic tendencies but rather a quest for unholy wealth. Once a friend or a relative is removed from the post, the entire community goes to the street hunting the new appointee and his relations thinking that they’re doing exactly what they have been doing; it is a shame, isn’t?

As soon as the previous NILEPET BOSS was relieved, the said media platform (TEN STATES PRESS) popped up and started bombarding the new boss and the entire Corporation’s administration. This doesn’t need a scientific theory to explain, does it?
Again, all the allegations; corruption, nepotism, tribalism and the likes are similar acts of the previous administration and for which the president though wise to change the gear. One wonders why the writers or should I say “hired writers” begin shouting figures which are even a nightmare to NILEPET’s administrators like a whopping $5.6M that they are talking about today in their mouthpiece (page)! Where on earth can a drained Corporation gets such a huge amount from within less than seven (7) months of activity keeping in mind the insolvency inherited from the previous administration. You can’t be having money worth as such and still closed down the production of your own employees’ ID production unit which couldn’t have cost a mere $10k. That is if you have been following my writing. Dr. Chol Deng T. Abel got zero balance in NILEPET Accounts and started afresh and now you are talking of $5.6M; is this not the truest definition of madness if not witchcratcy🤔

In addition, the hired page or perhaps the newly created page of saboteurs went as far as publishing a list of people they think could be enjoying what their previous or the next messiah who perhaps has promised them to enjoy more might have said. This is equally a crazy assumption. The institution is struggling to finish its BUILDING, REFINERIES and other money demanding projects and there’s absolutely no way the Corporation could be giving away such a huge lump sum to individuals let alone the MD responsible for these projects taking the said cash as the wildest imagination seems to suggest. That, too is an assumption meant to misinform the public and to disrupt the NILEPET BOSS from doing his best for the Corporation as tasked by H.E Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit in the name of this country and its people.

Fellow citizens, writing is a noble profession and any written material lives for centuries and as such we must choose to read and ignore some texts written by hired criminals whose intentions are to destroy our social fabric, misinform us about our national matters, and set our philosophical minds on the wrong path.
It is good to support those that our able president H.E Gen. Kiir Mayardit have entrusted to lead our national institutions not only NILEPET if indeed we support this nation and its government. The national image is distorted if individuals are left to writing nonsensical feeds to the public and go yapping, WE ARE WINNING! It is not a win to insult a constitutional post holder!

Finally, I call upon the citizenry to build consensus around our leaders and mindless about the work of saboteurs and the wickedness against their targets. The Republic of South Sudan and its population won’t forgive and forget the spoilers and destroyers of peaceful coexistence, as well as the spirit of respecting national mandates bestowed upon individuals given the task to lead given institutions. Go on comrades in power, your mandate is to serve the citizens of South Sudan and not to please sycophants, bootlickers and saboteurs. The president has given you the trust and so must you deliver without caring about what they say wherever they are. May God bless the Republic of South Sudan.