South Sudan has been ranked as the second country that is “Not Free” by the Freedom House in the world 2018 edition.
This is Freedom House’s flagship annual report, assessing the condition of political rights and civil liberties around the world.
In this year’s edition, South Sudan follows Syria and the two are among 48 other nations that are not free including regional countries such as Burundi, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, DR Congo and Sudan.
Other African countries such as Botswana and Ghana among others have been designated as free countries in terms of political rights and civil liberties.
While the number of countries qualifying as Partly Free stands at 58, which includes neighboring Kenya and Uganda.
The number of countries designated as Free stands at 88, representing 39 percent of the global population.
Freedom in the World has been published since 1973, allowing Freedom House to track global trends in freedom over more than 40 years.
via Eye Radio