President of South Sudan Football Association, Francis Amin was received in audience on Tuesday 10th October 2017 by CAF President, M. Ahmad. It was at the headquarters of the Confederation Africaine de Football in Cairo. For the occasion, he was accompanied by Venancio Amum and Anthony John Lauro, respectively Vice-President and Secretary General of the Football Association of South Sudan.

The opportunity was taken by Francis Amin, newly elected president of the South Sudan FA, the youngest member of CAF, who joined the Confederation only in 2012, after the independence of the country, to invite CAF president in Juba, the capital of South Sudan.

The president of the CAF said he was honoured by the invitation and said he would provide the South Sudan federation with the necessary support for the development of football in the country. Not without mentioning the youngness of the federation and the social situation of the country that calls for special and specific support.