If you are in a faltering relationship where you no longer feel the excitement, it is possible to make your man pine for you all over again.
Here’s a look into how you can achieve that.
1. Embrace your femininity – Maybe somewhere along the way, you raided his closet and began dressing in his baggy t-shirts and pants. Try tapping into your graceful, feminine side. Wear pink, and dresses and frills. Flaunt your femininity.
2. Be youthful – It is scientifically proven that men are attracted to youthfulness. This is mistaken to mean having a youthful face and body or wearing clothes meant for the younger generation. The truth is that your youthfulness is in your attitude. Get that childlike energy and watch him swoon over you just like old times.
3. Become a mystery – Even in marriage, men want a woman who will keep them guessing about something. If you have already bared all to your man, you can still acquire a sense of mystery by learning a new still or not telling him every single detail of the going on in your life. Leave him guessing about some parts of you.
4. Flirt – It doesn’t matter that you have been together for ten years, start flirting with your man. When out in public, hold his gaze or flip your hair in that way you know drives him nuts. Send him suggestive text messages, leave him naughty notes and gifts. Have him looking forward to actually being with you.
5. Be positive – A person who is always sad and whining usually saps the energy out of those around them. If you are one of those women who are always complaining about this or the other, then your man will find reasons not to be around you. The opposite is true.
6. Give space, take space – Absence truly does make the heart fonder. If you are keen on making your man want you again, then you have to find a way to get away physically every so often.
You do not need to be dramatic about it. Just get away so that he has the space he needs. It will give both of you space to clear your heads and give him a chance to actually miss you.
7. Be sexually adventurous – Sexual repression could be the very reason your relationship got to the rut that it is in. Sex is a big part of a relationship. Keep it interesting and you will definitely stay interested in each other. Start initiating sex for a change, leave the lights on, proposition him when he least expects it.
8. Go back to your passions – One way to get your man to look at you the way he used to is to re-ignite your passions. Did you like dancing, singing or event sporting? He probably loved you because of who those passions made you. Go on out and enjoy yourself.
via Nairobiwire