Looks like the industry’s season is back! Last week and this week saw another round of social media beefs between artists. Members from two award winning all-male groups Jay Family and Hard Life Avenue aimed subliminal shots at each other over what we are told was a beef that started shortly after a concert they performed in together in Yei town a week earlier.
Short dude Mantani of Hard Life Avenue ignited the feud by calling out Yuppie of Jay Family who he said was jealous of him being a better singer. In a direct Facebook post Mantani said:
Being simple to everyone is wat I’ve always been, I’ve never said am better than anyone, in any other way round. If any of my fun says am better than u @ Yuppie Jay Upj , doesn’t stop you from singing, work hard to be like me other than hating me. Let’s work hard to build De music industry of our country south sudan. I stand for Peace.
Yuppie Jay in turn responded by saying he wasn’t beefing Mantani. He said:
ain’t beefing anyone and this matter is not a group issue not even tribal, i hate people involving managers in this issue, it is me and him and its unforgetable coz he insist that he has horns
Fans and other industry’s actors like Radio Presenter Moro Lokombu have come out to try to reconcile the beefing artists. So far we haven’t seen reconciliatory posts from them, so we assume the beef is still cooking.