The debate on whether the nascent music industry in South Sudanese is being infested by tribalism is taking a new turn, with promoters seemingly responding to each other.

Yesterday, Promota Ktwo of the K2 Promotions accused some radio presenters of barring songs of some artists who are not under their personal promotion labels from being played on the radios.

Promota Ktwo had said these radio presenters practice tribalism by playing only songs from artists they manage.

And in apparent show of support or maybe in disagreement with the claim, another promota is accusing individuals engaged in the music industry of “preaching water and drinking wine.”

Promota Saimo of the Juba Promoters wrote on his facebook page that individuals should not speak of tribalism or vices in the industry when they are not even saints.

“I don’t want to be fighting against tribalism and nepotism while practicing it,” said Saimo.

He went on to say, he has managed various artists from different tribes and different states without attaching to them any special treatment.

Promota Saimo cautions against the constant promotion of a few known artists at the expense of others.

“If we form cliques that are affiliated to some few artists and worked day and night to ensure they remain on top without considering the rest who have no people to help, then we have no work done,” he added.

In what we can only assume could be a response to Promota Ktwo, Saimo says talking about tribalism itself is…promoting tribalism (say what?)

“It really hurts and I am pissed off by some people’s actions and posts…the more we talk about tribalism in the music industry, the more it takes over.”

The promota who did his second university paper on Public Relations & Media management concluded by saying: “NO More posts about TRIBALISM from me.”

Both promota Ktwo and Promota Saimo are mainly and currently known for managing MB Law & Rhapsody, and Emma47 and Yogo Man respectively.

Whether that is national representation…is another story cooking.