Musicians Hot Dogg and PNC are set to launch a music video for their ‘Babul ka Banyop’ collabo. The song according to Hot Dogg talks about the historical differences between Dinka and Nuer tribes and how they can overcome these differences and live as one united people.
The music video is directed by finest Juba video producers Max and Bol Manas of Studio34.
Below is Hot Dogg’s explanation of the song:
Babul ka Banyop music video dropping soon…the story is about two brothers “Dinka and Nuer” who used to do everything together..cattle keeping, hunting, cropping, fishing..until one day they went for hunting and killed a gazelle, and they disagreed over the way of cooking the meat, so they fought and that when God changed their dialect…they started speaking different languages. Dinka speaks Dinka and Nuer speaks Nuer…Dinka said “banyop” then his brother Nuer said “babul” and since they couldn’t understand each other over a single word ‘Banyop ka Babul which mean “roasting” they fought until an old came and split the gazelle into two and they both went on a different direction…because of that misunderstanding between the two brother since century is the part of what we are still going through until now but matter what tribes you from we are still one people one nation……South Sudan we need peace..Amen.
Apart from being a unity and peace song, the video will also be somehow comical given the fact that the two rappers chose to shoot the video at a cattle camp, where they all acted as cattle keepers. They stripped naked and smeared their bodies with white ash.
See behind the scene images below: