Al-Mougif Arabic daily newspaper has accused the government of censorship after it printed today’s publication with blank back page.
In the publication,an official from the Media Authority at the printing press removed an article written by Dr. Peter Adwok Nyaba, Mathiang Cirilo editor-in-chief alleges.
The article was titled: “Warp political thought and the failure of the formation of the nation and state building in South Sudan.”
The article addresses the issues of democracy transformation and state building in South Sudan.
“This morning I was surprised that an article by Dr. Peter Adwok Nyaba was deleted and this article is series of articles that we have been publishing since last week,” Mr Cirilo said.
He says this is a violation of press freedom in the country.
“We are going to submit official complaint to the Media Authority to tell us the reason behind deleting the article and which body removed the article.”
When contacted, the Media Authority said it is yet to investigate the matter.
via Eye Radio