After much publicity and anticipation, a party that promises to bring a much-needed change in South Sudan has finally unveiled its name: the National Democratic Alliance.

Read below the official press release from the party:

For Immediate Release


Alarmed by the perpetual suffering of the people of South Sudan due to senseless wars, economic meltdown and the sad state of health and education situation, mass unemployment, environmental degradation, and poor transport network,

Concerned by the deteriorating and fragile political, economic and social situation in South Sudan that threatens the viability of South Sudan as a nation-state,

Aware of our citizens’ unalienable right to organize and participate in the political life of our country as enshrined in the amended transitional constitution and political parties Act of South Sudan,

Prompted by continuing outcry and demands of our citizens for a radical change in the way the country is being governed,

Conscious of our patriotic responsibility to provide an alternative vision and direction for South Sudan,

Mindful of an urgent need for the formation of a grassroots, mass-based political party that provides a voice to the disenfranchised and marginalized majority,

Troubled by the international isolation, the worst global corruption index as per the Transparency International scorecards, designation of South Sudan as a failed state by many international actors, and unsettled disputed international borders,

Disturbed by the poor human rights situation and lack of crisis and disasters management strategy in the country,

Remembering unfulfilled promises, hopes, and aspirations of our liberation struggle,

Abhorrence to the use of arms and military force as a means of effecting political change in South Sudan,

Cognizant of the significance of 15th September as the International Day of Democracy that promotes universal suffrage, freedom of expression, choice, association, and political participation and conscious of the urgent need for the democratization of South Sudan as envisioned by the people’s new party,

We, the members of the Global Steering Council for the Establishment and Registration of the Red Army-backed, youth-led, mass-based, grassroots political party; having thoroughly consulted with different segments of our suffering majority and acting on behalf of the disenfranchised and marginalized youths, liberation veterans, war widows, and orphans, grassroots communities, jobless town dwellers, and suffering masses of South Sudan; and after careful and thoughtful planning; agreed to officially announce the NAME of a long-awaited visionary, people’s focused political party that shall usher in a new political dispensation grounded on the premise of fulfilment and restoration of the lost hopes, aspirations, and dreams of the masses of the people of South Sudan.

The situation in South Sudan demands an immediate and radical change in governance, institutional building and strengthening, political pluralism and democratization, respect for the rule of law, strict adherence to civil liberties, maximum protection of people, property and territorial boundaries, economic diversification, transparent and accountable utilization of public resources, job creation for the youth and able-bodied citizens, agriculture as a primary engine of development and much more. It was to answer the masses’ call and people’s demand that the Red Army-backed, youth-led, broad-based political party be conceived, formalized and named.

By the resolution of the Global Steering Council for the Establishment and Registration of the party reached on 15th September 2022, the highly anticipated new political party shall be called: the National Democratic Alliance, herein referred to as NDA. The NDA shall have an Emblem composed of South Sudanese Traditional SHIELD and an iconic, sophisticated creature, the BEE. The party shall adopt two Colors: PURPLE and ORANGE. The Party’s SLOGAN shall be “BUILDING A VIABLE NATION-STATE.

As this Press Release is only for the official announcement of the name of the party, the Vision, Mission, Objectives, Ideology, Plans, and Programs of the National Democratic Alliance, as well as the associated meaning and purpose of the EMBLEM, shall be unveiled during the official declaration of the NDA in Juba, South Sudan on a date, time and venue to be announced.

The National Democratic Alliance shall be the party of the disenfranchised and marginalized majority in South Sudan, particularly the youth, women, liberation veterans, war widows and orphans, grassroots communities, and economically oppressed masses. The NDA shall be a party of change, the party to restore the lost hopes and aspirations of the people of South Sudan.

It shall be a party where every citizen has an equal opportunity in the matters of governance and affairs of the homeland. The NDA shall lead by example in its drive to democratize South Sudan. The party shall adopt an electoral model of primaries where its flag bearers or office aspirants shall contest party tickets through primaries. In the NDA, the power shall be solely vested in the people; no one but the people shall only have the sole responsibility to entrust and take away power from party officials and elected representatives.

Drawing from the spirit and ideals of liberation days of unity and comradeship, the NDA shall be the only party in South Sudan with the moral ground to fight and eradicate tribalism, regionalism, and sectarianism that have bedeviled and destroyed the social fabric, the very foundation upon which the survival of South Sudan as a nation-state stands.

As we continue planning and preparing for the official declaration of the National Democratic Alliance in Juba, citizens of South Sudan are urged to begin joining the people’s party of change, the true party of choice, so that, together, we can turn our homeland into a democratic, prosperous, stable and united country that South Sudanese collectively fought and sacrificed to establish.

We are the NDA, the party of the disenfranchised and marginalized majority, and we are the party of the people, for the people and by the people.


For more information, contact the Communications Department of the Global Steering Council for the Establishment and Registration of National Democratic Alliance via