The deputy governor of Latjor state, who represents President Kiir’s SPLM faction, predicted that a unity cabinet bringing together the main coalition partners in the state will be announced next week.

The two major coalition partners, SPLM faction loyal to President Kiir and SPLM-IO group allied to the First Vice President Taban Deng Gai, have remained locked in hectic bargaining over distribution of portfolios in Latjor state.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday, Elijah Liech Bany, the deputy governor of Latjor State said the issue had been referred to the presidency, saying the two sides are expected to form the state government next week.

The 2015 peace deal says the council of ministers in each of the three states of Unity, Jonglei and Upper Nile will be divided 46% for the SPLM faction led by Salva Kiir and 40% for the SPLM-IO group.

In the remaining states, according to the peace deal, the SPLM-IO group will take 15% of the executive positions while the government will keep 85% of positions.

via RT