Junubin (South Sudanese) have bad habits. Some habits we can try and kick out and some habits unfortunately we can’t help but accept and live with as part of us. Below are some of those.

1. Belching uncontrollably 

I’m always at loggerheads with my friend for this. We would go to a restaurant and after filling our stomachs one of our friends would uncontrollably let out a deep belching sound in everyone’s face.

We all know belching is good for your health. It helps relieve discomfort and bloating, prevents gas accumulation, relieves pressure, aids in digestion by getting rid of excess gas and is good for the stomach but please do it while covering your mouth when in public. Note however that excessive burping is a sign of poor digestion.

2. Spitting

The spitting can help clear the throat for easier breathing. When the weather gets cold, saliva tends to thicken which makes it a little difficult for some people to breathe easily. In such a case spitting out the thickened saliva your throat opens for easier passage of air but there should be designated places like washrooms and toilets to do this.

Random spitting is one of the most annoying habits of Junubin. A smartly dressed South Sudanese would wash mouth, face, spit and even blow nose in a restaurant’s sink clearly written “DO NOT SPIT IN THE SINK”. A Junubi would spit on a beautifully cemented or tiled floor and walk away with no shame. Like seriously?

3. Laziness

In Juba and other major towns in the country young people idly sitting by the side of roads taking Shisha and chai or playing dominoes and cards is a common sight. Most of these people complain of the lack of white collar jobs which require decrees but mostly these group of people have no higher education degrees.

4. Blowing nose using hand and picking nose in public using fingers

Another common behaviour among South Sudanese. The work of an handkerchief is to clean your nose, face among other things. For a Junubi the handkerchief is strictly for whipping off sweat on your face, neck and forehead. A South Sudanese would prefer blowing nose and picking his nose with his/her bare fingers and leave the handkerchief in the pocket. This is disgusting! Please use your handkerchief appropriately.

5. We love fighting

Our love for a good brawl at events is like a talent, although most of the times it is about petty things like stepping on someone’s foot by mistake. Some South Sudanese could be on their knees, but still be willing to go another round of a fight.