Read my lips and hear my words, for I speak not Shakespearian, but the deep truth.

This is how HIJ would assume Abe Nouk would speak to his audience.

The 25 year-old South Sudanese poet living in Melbourne is popular in theatres and public events for his play with spoken words that seeks to illuminate basic human rights through recounts of his own story.

He has shared his love of performance poetry with audiences at the Sydney Opera House and at festivals in Glastonbury and Ubud. He is the winner of the Australian Poetry Slam Competition held in Victoria.

His audience describes him as a natural-born poet.

Mr. Nouk will be a guest speaker at the Human Rights Awards next month in Sydney.

The event will host human rights community, business and political leaders, and media fraternity on December 10th.

Abe Nouk recently performed at the Glastonbury Festival and was featured on the Ubud Writers Festival in 2014.

He is the Creative Director and Chairman of Creative Rebellion Youth Enterprises in Melbourne Australia.

Here is an excerpt from one of his poems:

“I am not a refugee, but a lucky bastard who is young and free…
“That could have been us on those sinking boats,
“As if getting on a boat some continent away, is for a holiday.”

Abe Nuok4 Reading Matters 2015 State Library Abe Nuok2