By Charles Atiki Lomodong (Twitter; @CALomodong, @Jubaclassifieds)
With the lack of a dedicated advertising agency in South Sudan, at least one which has a digital database, a shepherd emerged with the goal of guiding all the sheep to one platform. The sheep being all service providers, products and companies, of course.
This is the idea behind Juba Classifieds. With the slogan of “advertising made easy”, it makes sense to put all companies in one place, so that your prospective customers or clients can easily find what they are looking for. Clearly this service was lacking before in South Sudan, again, at least digitally.
One would be quick to counter that with, “well there is Facebook.” Because pages such as Juba Market or Konyo Konyo market already exist, so what’s the hype all about? Well, Juba classifieds stand out because it is structured in a way that puts all the black sheep in one pen, and all the white sheep in another. Basically all companies are organised in a category of their own. This organisation makes it appealing to browse Juba Classifieds , otherwise, it would make you feel like you are just getting spammed with random posts or messages, and this is what it feels like sometimes while browsing Facebook market pages. Come one, you know it feels like this, at times. Yea, it does.
Juba Classifieds has a vision to be the leading digital classifieds advertising company in South Sudan, and a mission to move the South Sudan advertising market to an organised digital platform. I am sure this isn’t enough for you to be convinced, but most wouldn’t argue against the fact that advertising informs, advertising educates, and advertising entertains. And of course, don’t forget the main reason for this is to sell. Advertising sells. Juba Classifieds intends to get you customers, and make your services and products widely known in South Sudan. Digitally.
You may be curious to know the pricing. For that, contact Juba Classifieds via WhatsApp on +211 920 101 041 or email them Actually let’s do you a favour, because we know air time receipt or data bundles pricing has gone through the roof! , because … and … increased their pricing (trust me, we are all suffering, but we won’t mention any names.)
Anyhow, to advertise a car for sale the fee is 100$ equivalent for a year. This saves you the trouble of going to a cafe paying for thirty minutes of usage, typing on the computer CAR FOR SELL, CALL +211 910 101 041 and then printing it out, and then driving your car somewhere “visible”, parking your car and taping the piece of paper you printed on the window or windshield, only for it to collect dust.
This 100$ gets you high quality images of your vehicle, and it covers the fees for maintenance and administration fees, after all we are a business, so we must charge this upfront. The benefits are greater than the cost.
To advertise a business or service, the fee is 25$ a month. And this also comes with high quality images.
To advertise a house for sale or an apartment for rent, the services are 50$ a month, this will also include high quality images, and you will get more phone calls about your property, because a lot of people will see the advertisement on our website.
You may wonder, is that it? No, that’s not all. Juba Classifieds also has a Facebook Page, an Instagram page and a Twitter Page. We will boost and advertise your product or service on Facebook and Instagram, targeting a South Sudan audience or East African Audience, depending on your preference. Well, because a car for example, could be bought in Uganda, or Tanzania from your advertisement on Juba Classifieds.
And, on twitter anything with a #SouthSudan or #SSOT automatically goes to an audience interested in anything about South Sudan. Let’s expand and grow the South Sudan market together. Digitally, of course.
To those of you who are still uncertain about using the services of Juba Classifieds, would you rather walk or drive around Juba looking for what you want? Besides, how many people have the time to stop while driving, or walking, to take down a number so that they can call about buying the car or house that you are advertising? Let’s get real people, it’s hot nowadays, and when it’s not hot, it’s raining, and when it’s not raining, well it’s “mashakil ketir fi ras, ma jere jere ta dunia de”, so no one is stopping. Here we are, making advertising easy for you.
If you visit the ABOUT US page on the website, you will see this direct quote
“The idea to start Juba Classifieds came about after experiencing several very frustrating ordeals of moving around Juba in the very hot sun while searching for a specific product and later finding it, but only to realise that the day has already gone, or sometimes never finding it. ” Are we together now?
Oh, one lasting before we go, Juba Classifieds is South Sudanese founded and managed. Follow us and like our page on Facebook; Juba Classifieds . Follow on instagram: Juba Classifieds , and follow us on Twitter; @JubaClassifieds .
Thanks for your time, and let’s talk advertising and marketing with you. Juba Classifieds is advertising you can trust.