Traveling by road in South Sudan has been seen as hell before. Those using the road to move from point A to point B would prefer using airplane because of the nightmare associated with the improvised road network in the country.

But those who defy these unwritten conventions would spend an abnormally long time, mainly during the rainy season on the unpassable roads that have dotted South Sudan. That is about to change.

With pressure mounting on the government to address this road’s anomalies, South Sudan government approached one of the most reputable construction companies in the country to modernize its roads. They contracted Africa Resources Corporation Limited (ARC).

ARC Resources Corporation Limited, an indigenous firm that was established in 2018 to implement different types of infrastructural development projects specifically the construction of roads, bridges, Airports, and high-rise buildings licensed with high grade is on schedule and expected to complete Juba – Bor Road sooner than expected.

The move was aimed at easing movement inspired and taught by the late Dr. John Garang’s vision of taking towns to villages.

According to an engineer at ARC Resources Corporation Ltd., the highway is being constructed to accommodate the existing and future traffic for years to come and withstand extreme weather conditions “The engineers working on the highway have created substantial plans to increase its capacity, this entails the construction of additional lanes, pipelines, fiber cables, and railway in the future,” ARC engineer stated.

Juba is the most dynamic engine for growth and employment creation in South Sudan accounting for more than 60 % of the National Gross Domestic Product. However, as a result of rapid urbanization coupled with the explosive growth in motorization, the transport system has become inadequate—constraining economic growth and limiting access to job opportunities, education, and recreation outside Juba.

Once successfully completed, the road will allow commuters to enjoy faster, reliable, comfortable, and more affordable journeys.

The 204km highway is expected to officially open before the year ends which will contribute greatly to transforming South Sudan into a strong economic hub for the region and beyond. The transformation of the road into a highway is one of South Sudan’s first large-scale transportation infrastructure projects. The 4-lane highway is a first of its kind in the East Africa region providing 60-meter-wide lanes.

Juba-Bor Highway will mainly benefit migrating groups, upcoming businesses along the road, and especially businesses transporting goods from Juba to Bor and local produce from Bor and beyond will get to Juba in time to the ready market.

The project is also important for enhancing regional growth and integration and security needed in the country as said by a senior management official at ARC, the highway will have the longest 4-lane highway in the whole of East and Central Africa that will contribute to and improve the accessibility, affordability, and reliability of the transport infrastructure system to promote socio-economic development in South Sudan.

Through ARC and other stakeholders, the project will promote private sector participation in the management, operation, and financing of road infrastructure in South Sudan.

ARC Managing Director Mr. Engineer Kyi Win and the Minister of Road Mr. Simon Majok Majak

ARC Managing Director Mr. Engineer Kyi Win and the Minister of Road Mr. Simon Majok Majak