Koang Deng Kun Kong better known to music fans as Rapper Kdenk who formerly rebelled against Salva Kiir government in 2013 might be back to active politicking after he posted messages on social which left many of his fans wondering what the rapper meant.
The rapper while on his US tour made some bizarre comments asking people to do something about ‘Salva Kiir’s government.’
“And for how long should the Dinka pretend in their failed communities praising the leadership that displaced them, also set them up to daily confrontation by other South Sudanese, don’t you feel endangered?” he asked.
“Your son is the president but you’re living in Refugee camps or renting in another shithole country because you do know., You’re not safe back home and you want to lie about it?,” the rapper wrote.
The rapper continues to ask his ethnic tribe to rejuvunate the popular 2014 slogan of SPLM-IO supporters of ‘KIIR MUST GO.”
“Nuer have failed from saying SALVA KIIR MUST GO. This song has been sang for about FOUR YEARS NOW-given the latest trend now LET’S PROTECT OURSELVES?
Like really?
Those noise have also been silent but by who? Taban?
Ok and how do you promote your militaries rank, Run a people’s movement when you’re detained and parked like a car by the enemy? Crazy isn’t it? #GuoläNiWidäPiny
Truth be told the more we interact, The more we have a lot in common Than we do apart or in different,” the rapper continues his rant.
In a separate post, the rapper posted this.
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you of.
It’s almost 5 years now, yet our people Naath nuer still live under foreign/ UNMISS protection sites in a land WE DO CALL HOME?
But forced to suffer and died poor in the last 4 years.
Do they deserve a year or more in that torturing situation?
Do you still believe that peace will come through negotiated settlement?