The government of Germany on Monday donated 12.7 million USD dollars to help save the lives of conflict-affected people in South Sudan.

The money, which was channeled through the UN World Food Programme (WFP), would support initiatives to strengthen the resilience of over 200,000 people through food assistance to build assets such as vegetable gardens, access roads, and shallow wells to help families strengthen resilience and rebuild livelihoods.

The contribution comes as WFP and partners are pressing to scale up food assistance to reach up to 4.8 million people in the worst-affected areas of South Sudan. The funding runs until 2021 from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

It allows WFP to make a multi-year commitment to communities and will support WFP’s longer-term work to improve the resilience and food security of 180,000 people in the Lakes, Western Equatoria, Warrap and Abyei regions. These resources will help build community assets to increase food production while at the same time supporting local markets.

“The importance of this contribution from the people of Germany cannot be overstated,” says Adnan Khan, WFP Country Director in South Sudan. “This will help us to provide vital support to the most vulnerable at a time of increased needs and allows us to contribute to building a resilient future.”

WFP activities are designed both to address immediate food needs while at the same time promoting the ability of vulnerable communities to withstand future shocks to their food security. WFP provides various kinds of assistance – food for people building and restoring community assets, life-saving emergency food, emergency school feeding and the treatment of moderate acute malnutrition among children, and pregnant and nursing women.

“Germany is delighted to be working together with WFP to help some of the most vulnerable people in South Sudan,” says Jan Hendrik van Thiel, Ambassador of Germany to South Sudan. “This new contribution provides continuing support to improving food security in the most vulnerable parts of the country and strengthening people’s resilience.”

In 2017, Germany was one of the top donors to WFP worldwide, contributing more than US$925 million to WFP operations globally. Germany is a long-standing partner of WFP’s assistance in South Sudan and has contributed more than US$80 million since 2015.