General Paul Malong Awan’s son Lawrence Lual Malong Yor Jr. better known as Young Tycoon has a trait of May Weather the moneybag. Lual who was mention in 2016’s sentry’s corruption report has a tendency of showing off via social media his flamboyant lifestyle as seen here showing off with more than $50,000.
This week he posted on his Facebook timeline a less than a minute video showing off 50,000 US dollars in cash.
The self-proclaimed billionaire brags about how he gets his money through God and how he is a young billionaire.
“For me, Dollars is not a problem I received Wealth from Almighty God and is lover Son Jesus Christ my Lord am a Billionaire,” the caption of the video reads.
The video which was widely shared received criticism.Gen. Paul Malong the former Chief of Staff has been accused of stealing more than 30Million
Gen. Paul Malong the former Chief of Staff has been accused by Sentry report of embezzling more than 30Million dollars from South Sudan coffers.