Hot in Juba has learnt that the European Union (EU) is preparing to impose a sanction which includes freezing assets in case the High-Level Revitalisation Forum (HLRF) fails. Its sanctions will reinforce those imposed by the United States in September 2017 and by Canada two months later.

The sanctions against the spoilers could come as early as this week when a review of progress in the revitalisation of the 2015 South Sudan peace process starts in Addis Ababa.

The sanctions, sources said, would target the country’s top leadership, including the opposition, and would include assets freeze.

The leaders are accused of money laundering and international banks will be required to enforce stricter due diligence on financial transactions involving the individuals under restraint.

Kenyan and Ugandan banks will be heading for major international scrutiny as the EU prepare to impose sanctions against people thought to be stumbling blocks to peace in the country.

In the new approach, President Kiir, Dr Machar and top generals risk their assets outside South Sudan being seized and their bank accounts frozen at home and abroad in case they scuttle the political talks.