Egypt’s government has denied stealing of human organs is taking place in the country, after South Sudanese nationals in Egypt complained of rampant organs theft.

There have been reports that several South Sudanese had fallen victims to illegal organ trade in Egypt. Several South Sudanese raised numerous complaints about kidnappings and surgical operations that allegedly ended with the removal of organs, mainly kidneys.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday, Egypt’s Ambassador to South Sudan, Ahmed Bahauddin dismissed news circulated on social media that Egypt is a hot spot for organ trafficking targeting South Sudanese.

Bahaudin commended historical relations binding Egyptians and South Sudanese, saying the two peoples share a lot in common.

“We welcome the South Sudanese community in Egypt because it is their second home. But when a South Sudanese national falls victim to any crime, he or she should report it immediately to the police or South Sudan embassy,” he said.

“What we have seen after the rumours circulating on social media is that those who allegedly fell victims to organ trafficking rings have no names. What are the names of the victims? Where are the details of the incidents that occurred?” he asked.

The Egyptian diplomat questioned the credibility of the complaints raised by South Sudanese about the organ trade in Egypt, saying some individuals are unhappy with strong relations between Egypt and South Sudan.

He underscored that nobody provided to the South Sudanese embassy in Cairo and the government of Egypt a detailed account of organ trafficking crime, describing the complaints as groundless.

”We have not received any complaint officially… I am in contact always with the South Sudanese ambassador to Egypt, and he told me that the complaints are baseless,” Bahaudin said.

The diplomat pointed out that organ trafficking is illegal in Egypt, with violators facing penalties of years in prison.

Reacting to the complaints earlier this month, South Sudan’s government advised its citizens who are currently living in Egypt to exercise caution while moving.

“If such incidents are happening in Egypt, if people are being killed and their organs are being removed, then South Sudanese need to be careful,” said Michael Makuei, South Sudan’s Information Minister.

“Reckless movement is not good. If people are afraid of hospitals, then they need to take measures and they should be careful,” he added.

Several South Sudanese on social media say there are two main ways of organ harvesting in use in Egypt. The first involves kidnapping, by force or by doping; the second is stealing of organs under the guise of treatment, in cases where they have sought medical attention.

 Trafficking in human organs, as well as any other form of human body, is prohibited under international law.