The World Health Organization says South Sudan has seen a 30 per cent rise in coronavirus infections among citizens last week.

“We have noted that there are ten countries in Africa which have shown thirty percent increase in cases and South Sudan is one of them,” said Dr. Guracha Guyo, WHO emergency coordinator in South Sudan.

Its coronavirus cumulative cases have risen to 4,609 after the Ministry of Health announced 94 new cases yesterday.

The UN health agency says South Sudan is grappling with a second wave of the novel coronavirus, with a rising rate of infections.

It is currently in its second phase of a partial lockdown to contain the spread of the virus.

The government has banned all social gatherings, businesses, and functions at public and private institutions.

In a statement issued last week, the National Task Force said it had noted negligence in observing the coronavirus preventive measures.

However, Dr. Guyo, advises the public to strictly continue adhering to the social distancing and other anti-coronavirus measures as the number of cases continue to surge globally.

“We urge our public to adhere to physical social distancing, frequent hand hygiene and wearing of masks and this will go a long way in ensuring that the pandemic is controlled,” he told reporters on Sunday.

Medical experts have often noticed that citizens and some senior government officials are not complying with the measures to combat the pandemic.

This, Dr. Guracha, said is slowing down the fight against the virus.

Globally, cases crossed 106 million as of Sunday, with over 2 million deaths as the World Health Organization made a pitch for a vaccine to be made accessible to all people

You can report any suspected case of the coronavirus to the nearest health Centre or call the toll free number: 6-6-6-6.


Via Eye Radio