Now that peace has arrived in South Sudan, there will be lots of Clubbing and night Discos,, but…well, like any other Countries, there are always natural “night club” rules, systems and measures one has to abide by naturally without being told to do so, failure to do it can get you wake up with an empty belly behind bars in other Countries after being dragged into the Cell.
Well, in South Sudan my friend, it is more different, it’s not done the simple way of just”taking you to a safe police cell” from where you make your humble way home in the morning; brother in South Sudan, messing up with these “night club” rules will have you lose your molar teeth, take home swollen eyes, develop “ugly-cassava” like nose within minutes and receive “with thanks” a 7 days’ “dizzying head” prescriptions from a thunderous SLAP!
Accruing to the fact that “awareness” is “life safety” , grab some hints about the top 7 things you should NEVER dare try to do when outing for a night club or any party in South Sudanese territory below:
7-Do Not Attempt “Beer Sneaking” Inside
Have you ever heard of the international “Clubs’ rule” that says: “NO drinks from outside should get inside the Clubs???’ Well if you’ve never heard, be warned that night club security men that are found in South Sudan follow this rule strictly and tempering with it will have them break your nose!
6-Never Dance Near Tall Guys
Did you hear that?? Oooh yes i said “never dance near tall guys”… wanna know why? these guys need a 4x4cm wide space for their “froggy” styles; if you don’t give them, you will have your chin “knee knocked” breaking your jaw bones into pieces!
5-Thinking of Going Home
Haaa, brother, don’t never ever even think about this, once you are in a club in South Sudan, dance till morning, unless if you want to be presented to 777 as the “unknown” gun men specimen they’ve been hunting for in the Country for years!
3- Never Negotiating Entry Fee
To us South Sudanese who are rich with oil resources, negotiating entry fee in a night Club is an “Offense” , to avoid being smack in the belly because of this, just DO NOT GO WHEN YOU MONEY IS LESS!
2- Never Take First Dance Approach
This one is “double helpful”; if you hurry to make first dance approach in South Sudan to ladies, you will go home without even smelling any ladies’ body lotion, but if you do succeed on this kind of move, know that your teeth is soon cutting your lips after being hit by a tough man’s fist who has been trying the lady all along.
2-Never Laugh At A Fat Dancer
Most of the fat dancers in the night Clubs are “itching to kick” guys my friend and you know what that means in terms of disciplining any misbehaving dude who laughs any how.
1- Never Touch A Car
Best way to lose an aching tooth which you are tired of in your mouth is “touching” people’s car during a night Club in South Sudan, as this will get a man do it for you just with a single kick.
via Juba Celebs by Sultan Mange