What was expected to be a massive King Saha show organised by Promoter Moses in Club Vegas turned into a naughty and disappointing event for some artists who got weeped by Police constables, some confessed over their living body never to attend in person any show organised by Moses given the level of embarrassment they under went through, one artist was quoted saying so.

They lingered their frustration to Promoter Moses complaining how mean he was in treating the artists and the kind of treatment they underwent was unbearable, they accused him for taking Mukyala Neighbour Star as a heroine not even allowing them share a word of wisdom with him.

All started when Promoter Moses separately transported Saha and local artists weirdly, the artists where packed like a potatoes sack in a dilapidated Noah Car and dumped to Classic Fm for interview more less King Saha was taken to one local TV station something that didn’t Please at all these artists and one artist from Jay Family was quoted, “Why would King Saha be treated like a King and we home boys manipulated like scape dog’s”.Worse Yuppie Jay was beaten seriously by a policeman when they got wrangles over frustrated appraisal. Promoter Moses was avoiding artists from yapping with King Saha who really loved to have fun though inevitable though the show was fully packed. Wishing Yuppie a quick recovery.