A number of female musicians in South Sudan have started claiming the spotlight they deserve in recent years.

One of these female musicians is super beautiful Mercy Lino moniker Black Queen, a fast-rising Juba-based female rapper working on her debut album with Rich Kyd Sounds in Juba.

She is genuine, a go-getter, and likes to have a good laugh. Here’s a little bit about her. Born in Sudan Black Queen started music in 2019 immediately after finishing High School in Uganda. According to her, music was her get-away from life stress and a way of expressing herself.

“While in High School, I would sing and rap to express myself and as a way of staying away from stress,” Black Queen told Hot in Juba reporter in Juba.

She said while in High School, she discovered that she has a talent for music.

“I got into rap in high school as we practiced and participated in our school celebrations. That’s when I discovered my rap talent and started creating my own rap verses and freestyles. However, I didn’t start recording or taking music to the next level till 2019,”

Black Queen claims that many female musicians in the country face criticism and lack of support from South Sudanese.

“Criticism by the community because of the genre of music I do and financial challenges are some of the main problems I face like many other female musicians in the industry,” she added.

Some of her hits include I am Gone, Jouzu Ana Wau Nar among others.

Listen to her latest song here: