The former beauty queen Rachael Angeth has finally unveiled the father of her soon to be born child. Angeth shared a pic of ‘her man’ on her Facebook account this week and quickly took down the picture few hours later.

Well, she was not quick enough, Hot in Juba got the image and it’s now official. The man former Miss Malaika is pregnant by is a young city lawyer named Anyang Ng’ong. Details are still sketchy but sources close to the beauty queen told Hot in Juba that Mr Ngong is not ready for the baby and its mum.

“His people said he [Anyang] has an unmarried elder brother. And in Bor traditions, the first son has to get married before the younger brother,” she told HIJ on condition of anonymity.

“They gave her unknown amount of cash [Angeth] to cool her nerves.”

However, sources privy to the alumni of Kampala International University say he plans to wed another chic this year. Mr Ng’ong is managing a law firm owned by his uncle MP Dengtiel Ayuen, chairman of the Legislation and Legal Affairs committee in the National Legislative Assembly.

Angeth's boyfriend

Angeth’s boyfriend