A 44-year-old State Minister who sat for South Sudan Secondary School Certificate (SSSCE) exams is a happy man after getting his exams results.
Abraham Majak Makur who is the Minister of Road and Infrastructure in Eastern Lakes State took to social media to express his joy after passing SSSCE with flying colors.
Abraham, a student Paanker Secondary School in Eastern Lake State while speaking to HIJ said that he is excited and will continue his academic journey.
“The journey has just started, I will not stop studying until I get a decree to serve my people better and become a better-contributing member of this great country,” Abraham said.
According to the South Sudan National Examination Council, 23, 452 students were registered for the 2018 exams.
But 23, 111 candidates sat the Secondary school examinations
An overwhelming 77.1 % of the candidates passed the exams, while 23 % failed.