On Saturday, the 14th of January, 2017, President Salva Kiir issued a presidential decree that increased the number of federal states from 28 to 32. Here is the revised list of the 32 states of the Republic of South Sudan.
Greater Equatoria States (9 states)
- Imatong State (Torit) — Lopa, Torit, Ikotos and Magwi counties
- Kapoeta State (Kapoeta) — Kapoeta North, Kapoeta East, Kapoeta South and Budi counties
- Maridi State (Maridi) — Maridi and Ibba counties
- Amadi State (Mundri) — Mvolo, Mundri West and Mundri East counties
- Gbudwe State (Yambio) — Yambio, Ezo, and Anzara counties
- Tambura State (Tambura) — Tambura and Nagero counties
- Jubek State (Juba) — Juba county (Bari, Lokoya, Nyangwara communities)
- Terekeka State (Terekeka) – Terekeka, Jemeiza, Gwor, Tali and Tigor counties
- Yei River State (Yei) — Yei, Lainya, Morobo and Kajo-Keji counties
Greater Bahr el Ghazal States (10 states)
- Wau State (Wau) — Jur River and Bagari counties
- Aweil State (Aweil) – Aweil South and Aweil Center counties
- Lol State (Raja) – Raja, Aweil North and Aweil West counties
- Aweil East State (Wanjok) — Aweil East county
- Twic State (Mayen-Abun) – Twic County
- Gogrial State (Kuacjok) – Gogrial West and Gogrial East counties
- Tonj State (Tonj) – Tonj North, Tonj East and Tonj South counties
- Eastern Lake State (Yirol) — Yirol East, Yirol West and Awerial counties
- Western Lake State (Rumbek) — Rumbek North, Rumbek East, Rumbek Center and Wulu counties
- Gok State (Cueibet) — Cueibet county
Greater Upper Nile States (13 states)
- Northern Liech State (Bentiu) — Mayom, Koch, Rubkona and Guit counties
- Southern Liech State (Leer) — Mayendit, Leer and Panyijiar counties
- Ruweng State (Panriang) — Panriang and Abiemnhom counties
- Jonglei State (Bor) – Duk, Bor and Twic East counties
- Western Nile State (Kodok) — Kodok and Manyo counties
- Northern Upper Nile State (Renk) — Renk, Maban and Melut counties
- Central Upper Nile State (Malakal) — Akoka, Pigi, Baliet and Panyikang counties
- Fangak State (Ayod) —Ayod, and Fangak counties
- Bieh State (Waat) – Uror and Nyirol counties
- Akobo State (Akobo) — Akobo County
- Maiwut State (Maiwut) — Longuchuk, Maiwut and Koma counties.
- Latjor State (Nasir) — Ulang and Nasir counties.
- Boma State (Pibor) — Pochalla and Pibor counties
Credit: Panluel Wel